Monday, November 28, 2011

Setting up Cloud9 on Ubuntu 11.10

Ok, so it’s been a while since I’ve played with the Cloud9 IDE. Joyent are now bundling npm with the Node Windows installer, so I thought it was high time to revisit cloud9.

If you are on windows I highly recommend using VMware Player, it’s free, it’s fast, it has unattended Ubuntu installation and Unity is pure awesome sauce.

There’s a couple of things that have changed since last time around though. NodeJS and NPM are now available as debian packages. So no need to install git, dev tools, curl, etc. Secondly, the versions installed by using the default setup seem to all be compatible. Hence, setting up Cloud9 is decidedly simpler now. Behold!

sudo apt-get install nodejs
sudo apt-get install npm

npm install cloud9

mkdir NewApp
cd NewApp

~/bin/cloud9 –l

This will launch Cloud9 in your NewApp directory. The –l param is optional, although it allows you to access Cloud9 from your Windows host. I didn’t do extensive testing, but editing/debugging works out of the box.

Unfortunately, the version of Cloud9 in the NPM repo seems a bit old (0.5.1 vs 1.9.1 at the time of writing), which includes some pretty impressive features, such as code completion. If you want the latest and greatest, you’ll have to use or let me know in the comments if you’re interested and I’ll investigate further.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Skype and discoverability aka Resize Chat Message Width

For a while now I’ve been quite annoyed by how narrow the chat window is in Skype, especially when pasting code, exception logs, e.g:


Not very useful at times, especially given the real estate available, and this was only at 1366 horizontal resolution. Initial binging (and googling) turned up nothing, so I mentally filed it away in the (increasingly larger) pile of Things That Piss Me Off™.

Alas, today i went to vertically resize a non-skype related window that was hovering over skype. To my surprise I see a horizontal resize cursor rather than it’s vertical equivalent. Seems as though the chat width CAN be resized by grabbing the edges of the text entry field. The only indication that this is possible is the cursor change when hovering. Now, I understand that not everything can be discoverable, but to me this is a bit ridiculous.

Re-searching this turns out that other people have discovered this long before me. Unfortunately the size of my Things That Piss Me Off™ pile hasn’t decreased…

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Standup Desk V1

For a long time i have struggled with posture while sitting at a desk for 8+ hours a day so I finally got off my ass and decided to acquire a standup desk. The benefits of standup desks are documented all over the interwebs, so I won’t cover them all here. Suffice to say that not sitting all day long is A Good Thing™.

Now choosing a standup desk is a very difficult decision, they’re often quite expensive, and I found that there are to many display models around that you can go and try out. This is in a city of 2 million+ people, YMMV.

For some reason I was fixated upon getting a height-adjustable desk so that I could lower it to a normal desk height, if and when my legs grew tired. There’s plenty of options out there for this style.

Height-adjustable pros:

  • Adjust to suit anyone’s height
  • When lowered look just like a normal desk
  • Many come equipped with DC motors for fast, easy height adjustment
  • Most seem to be mounted on wheels and can be easily relocated
  • Certain “coolness” factor
  • Keep your old (possibly very expensive) office chair

Height-adjustable cons:

  • Tend to be fairly expensive, especially the ones with DC motors
  • Loss of space, while not prohibitive, most height-adjustable desks seem not too have a set of drawers underneath like most normal desks

Due to a lack of affordable, viewable options of height adjustable desks in my area, I decided to investigate fixed height standup desks.

Fixed-height pros:

  • Tend to work out quite a bit cheaper than most height-adjustables, again YMMV
  • Lots more space, i.e. drawers and more shelves
  • No moving parts to wear out or break down

Fixed-height cons:

  • Kind of have to be custom fit for whoever is going to be using the desk, not so much of an issue for me as I’ll be the only one using it.
  • Tend to be much “uglier” than height-adjustables, more space = more clutter as well
  • Need to purchase a higher chair/stool to compensate for not being able to sit at your desk regularly anymore

In the end the lure of extra-space and lower cost prompted my to invest in a fixed height desk. And when I say invest, I went to the local hardware store and bought some 16mm melamine and slide runners to fashion up an extra level to my existing desk. The result being:


Yes, ugly i know. But for $50 worth of materials and a couple of hours of time, it works for me. Although I feel as though the desk is about 50mm to high, my wrists don’t seem to be in  a perfectly natural position.


Now, I have been using this desk for two straight weeks now and I can honestly say I don’t think I’ll ever go back to a normal desk. My biggest problem was the fact that my feet were getting very sore, even within half an hour of standing still.

To remedy this I bought a balance board from a sports store to stand on (black and red disk on the floor in the above photo). It makes a world of difference and I find I can stand for hours without getting sore feet. Helps to keep the hips, etc in a “non-locked” position or so I’ve read. The added benefit of this is the fact that the board is about 50mm high, making the desk a perfect height for me. Genius at work here. No really.

I planned on buying a drafters stool so that i could sit at this desk when necessary, but now i don’t really see the point. I’ve got a couch in my study that i can relax on when taking phone calls etc.

Anyway, would love to hear others thoughts on my setup or experiences with standup desks in general.

c# Linq Compound Froms

I’m a bit embarrassed to admit this, but even after using linq in it’s various form for a couple of years now, I hadn’t really ever noticed compound from expressions e.g.

   1:  public void Linq16()
   2:  {
   3:      List<Customer> customers = GetCustomerList();
   5:      var orders =
   6:          from c in customers
   7:          from o in c.Orders
   8:          where o.OrderDate >= new DateTime(1998, 1, 1)
   9:          select new { c.CustomerID, o.OrderID, o.OrderDate };
  11:      ObjectDumper.Write(orders);
  12:  }

(from 101 LINQ samples)

Very handy for flattening an object hierarchy, etc. In the end though it’s just syntactic sugar over SelectMany (like a good deal of many LINQ functions). Anyway, another tool in the belt.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Expose shell in cloud9 console to run any command

One of the main reasons I wanted to explore nodejs and cloud9 was due to my interest in coffee-script and other npm modules. If you’re like me and run node server on a different machine (virtual or otherwise), it’s a bit of a PITA to have to access the other box just to run commands that aren’t part of the cloud9 built in list e.g. ls, mkdir, git.

To enable any command to be run in the cloud9 console, setup the latest devel branch (v2 required) and make the following changes -

Modify cloud9/server/cloud9/ext/shell/index.js:line 22

    this.command = function(user, message, client) {
        if (!this[message.command])
            return false;


        return true;

to look like

    this.command = function(user, message, client) {
        if (!this[message.command])

        return true;

Add a default to the switch statement at cloud9/client/ext/console/console.js:500

    res = message.body;
    this.logNodeStream(res.out || res.err);
    this.log("", "divider");

Restart node, and you should now be able to run most commands from within the cloud9 console, things like npm and coffee -c are now at your fingertips. Keep in mind this approach hasn’t been battle tested.

Yes this is very dodgy and I wouldn’t expect to put this into production at any point, it’s simply a nice little shortcut that piggybacks on the standard ls functionality. Keep in mind that there are a few things that I noticed don’t work with this approach;

  • interactive scripts (e.g. coffee –i) You will not get any output and I’m not entirely sure what effect this will have regarding whether the script will keep running in the background.
  • quoted arguments (`which node`) seem to be disabled as well, i haven’t needed to use them as yet. YMMV
  • sudo is also disabled explicitly in the cloud9 console. It shouldn’t be difficult to remove the restriction if you so wish. Doing so may open up some serious security holes though. Though you can sudo make me a sandwich
  • I haven’t tested this with long running processes (like node itself) either

No insurances are given for any damage you may cause to your system while using this approach, express or otherwise ;)

Monday, March 21, 2011

Easier Way of Setting up Cloud9 on Ubuntu 10.10 32-bit desktop w/ nvm

EDIT: Thanks to William Rayner, it seems the current npm module can be used with the latest stable node. It’s those pesky o3 tools causing problems again. Anyway, check out v3 below for a non-version dependant install script for cloud9.

Ok, lets try this again. Last time around I spent a lot of time fumbling in the dark, hitting various errors and generally using a sledgehammer approach to getting the Cloud9-ide app running. Hopefully this time around it’ll be more like a Pozidriv.

Now I think the following script should install the latest versions of node, npm and cloud9. Hopefully, if someone stumbles upon this post in the future they’ll be able to follow this regardless of what the current versions and dependencies are.

v1) *Unstable* – node stable, npm stable, cloud9 0.2.0 w/ o3 binaries

sudo apt-get install -y git-core libssl-dev curl
git clone git:// ~/.nvm
. ~/.nvm/
nvm sync
nvm install stable
nvm use stable
npm install cloud9

Note: I stumbled upon the fact that once you install cloud9, that you can launch it just by calling cloud9 (instead of “user@machine> node /path/to/cloud9.js”). Not sure if this is a standard npm thing or specific to cloud9, nice to know regardless.

This all seems a little too good to be true. Unfortunately, for now, it is. It seems the current combination of the latest node and the cloud9 module are incongruous, so you’ll just have to follow my previous guide for now ;)


… or a combination of the two. Use this if you want the most up-to-date cloud9

v2) *Stable*, node stable, npm stable, cloud9 devel branch, compiled o3 tools

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y build-essential g++ curl libssl-dev apache2-utils git libxml2-dev
git clone git:// ~/.nvm
. ~/.nvm/
nvm sync
nvm install stable
nvm use stable 
git clone git://
cd cloud9
git checkout devel
git submodule update --init --recursive
cd ..
git clone
cd o3
cp build/default/o3.node ../cloud9/support/jsdav/support/node-o3-xml-v4/lib/o3-xml/
cd .. 
node ~/cloud9/bin/cloud9.js -w ~/yourproject


v3) *Stable*, node stable, npm stable, cloud9 0.2.0, compiled o3 tools

sudo apt-get install -y git-core libssl-dev curl libxml2-dev
git clone git:// ~/.nvm
. ~/.nvm/
nvm sync
nvm install stable
nvm use stable
npm install cloud9
git clone
cd o3 
sudo cp build/default/o3.node ~/.nvm/`node -v`/lib/node/clo9/support/jsdav/support/node-o3-xml/lib/o3-xml/

Again, good luck!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Setting up Cloud9 on Ubuntu 10.10 32-bit desktop

EDIT: I’ve posted an easier version of this setup routine.

After many failed attempts to get Cloud9 up and running on ubuntu, someone finally posted some decent installation instructions. Andre used archlinux, so i thought I would try to do the same with ubuntu.

Below is the sequence of steps i followed to get up and running:

  1. Install Ubuntu 10.10 i686, choose any of the following:
    1. Local install
    2. Cloud based install amazon ec2, rackspace, etc
    3. Virtual Machine with VMware, Parallels, Virtual PC, etc
  2. I chose to use VMware Server 2.0 (formerly GSX server) for no other reason than I have used it before. It is free and quite powerful. I can never get bridged networking to work with wireless network on the host, so i plugged a cheapo separate wireless-network adapter into my laptop and configured VMware to pass that through to ubuntu. Anyway use whatever method you want, just get to the ubuntu desktop/terminal with network access.
  3. Update ubuntu
    sudo apt-get update
  4. Need to install various packages and tools in order to compile node, o3, cloud9, etc. The big one I missed here was libxml2-dev, o3 won’t compile without it, and it wasn’t exactly obvious for me that I need this particular package. Also, you probably won’t need all of these, YMMV.
    sudo apt-get install -y build-essential g++ curl libssl-dev apache2-utils git libxml2-dev
  5. Due to various folder permission errors you may get down the track, it’s worth setting up a local bin path to install nodejs into and add that path to bash
    echo 'export PATH=$HOME/local/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.bashrc
    . ~/.bashrc
    mkdir ~/local 
  6. Setup nodejs. Now there are various ways of doing this, you could even try nvm. This is what worked for me. There are newer versions of node than v0.4.0 already (4.1, 4.2, 5.0-pre, etc) but it seemed stable enough for me so I stuck with it. Now not all these steps are necessary, e.g. test and –v, but i put them in just to keep my sanity in check. Set configure to ~/local makes sure we install node to the ~/local/bin path we setup earlier
    git clone git://
    cd node
    git checkout v0.4.0
    ./configure --prefix=~/local
    make install
    make test
    cd ..
    node -v
  7. Setup npm, I think this step is optional but we may need it down the track
    curl | sh
    npm -v
  8. Setup cloud9. This doesn’t really seem to be very well documented, but the suggestion is to use the development branch of cloud9. This part will take quite a while to update all the submodules. You will probably get an error on bin/, I really don’t know if it is necessary (it is mentioned in the cloud9 installation instructions)  
    git clone git://
    cd cloud9
    git checkout devel
    git submodule update --init --recursive
    cd ..
  9. Build o3. I had plenty of problems with this step due to not having libxml2-dev installed. This copies the new o3 binaries into cloud9
    git clone
    cd o3
    cp build/default/o3.node ../cloud9/support/jsdav/support/node-o3-xml-v4/lib/o3-xml/
    cd ..
  10. Create a new directory for your project ~/yourproject and add an app.js file containing
    var http = require('http');
    http.createServer(function (req, res) {
      res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'});
      res.end('Hello World\n');
    }).listen(3001, ""); 
  11. Almost there. You should now be able to run cloud9 like so (although switches are optional)
    node ~/cloud9/bin/cloud9.js -w ~/yourproject
  12. Now you should be able to open up the cloud9 ide @
  13. Now not everything is perfect (ctrl-s doesn’t save you file, instead calls up the firefox save as dialog for me for some reason), but it’s good enough for me to live with.
  14. Lastly, why do this instead of using the free, already configured Well this allows me to control everything, as well as run commands like the coffeescript cli, etc

Good luck!

You may want to hit up the cloud9 ide google group if you have issues